Extraordinary report 2013

Exercising a right granted to Public defender of rights under Act No. 564/2001 Coll. on the public defender of rights as amended, Jana Dubovcová submitted to the National Council of the Slovak Republic the “Extraordinary Report of Facts Indicating SeriousViolation of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms by Actions Taken by Some Bodies” along with a proposal for discussing the report at the next meeting of the National Council.

Pursuant to §24 of the Act on the Public Defender of Rights, “[if] the public defender of rights ascertains facts indicating that the violation of a basic right or freedom is a severe one, or that it affects a larger number of individuals, he/she may submit a special report to the National Council.”

Public defender of rights have ascertained facts indicating that actions taken by some authorities resulted in a severe violation of the basic rights and freedoms and, therefore, Jana Dubovcová have resorted to preparing this special report for the National Council, and to proceeding in accordance with the statutory provision quoted above.

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